Tuesday 16 July 2013

One of Those Days

A day with a lie in, as Mog was in respite.

A day with a nice appointment in the morning, a hospital appt in the afternoon, a lazy evening (see above re: Mog in respite).

A wheelchair accidentally purchased - looking to be just right for tLP, once she has permission to self-propel once more. Some chatting and sorting of payments, courier, etcetera and so on.

And then.

Mog unwell in respite, being well cared for and no need to panic, but thoughts and phone calls to try to sort things out.

News from another friend about the tragic and unnecessary death of another young adult with learning disabilities, in a different and unrelated bath accident. People, baths are dangerous! Enjoy them, use them, make the most of them, but employ common sense and basic health and safety protocols around them. Please.

A friend's daughter unwell, and another friend also struggling. More unwellness from Mog, and a request to visit before the afternoon's hospital appt.

A quick trip to respite to see a Mog on CPAP in the middle of the day, with new meds not helping and heat definitely hindering. A decision to try to hurry tLP's appointment, and then to fetch Mog and bring her home. Not because respite can't cope, but because a middle of the night crisis is easier to deal with here than it is eight miles away.

Off to hospital, and squeak into the last parking space. Into a suspiciously empty outpatients department. Oops, wrong hospital. Off to children's hospital, now 20 minutes late, but never mind; clinic is at least 90 minutes late, so that won't make a difference.

Back to Mog, scoop her into the bus, enjoy the air conditioning, and crawl home through the rush hour.

Arrive home to find nurse from respite has beaten us there, and is waiting to help us unpack, and sort Mog. Hurrah!

A different kind of semi-relaxed evening; Mog "not right" but being supported by very nice nurse. Who is also managing to entertain (or be entertained by) tLP. Carer turns up to help tLP too, and I sit down to catch up with the rest of the world. And discover a message about this morning's nice and exciting meeting, which had completely slipped my mind. Oops.

Many apologies.

Girls in bed, new meds given alongside old, and Mog settled, ish; asleep but very very not right. Still, her SATs are better than my friend's daughter's; and if her resps are better than Mog's, that's probably because she has a ventilator not just CPAP. It's the kind of contest we like to win, although we'd quite like it if there weren't a loser.

And for now, the house is quiet. So I need to make the most of that. If anyone was expecting me to have done anything today; I haven't. Sorry. Here's why.


1 comment:

  1. Do you ever long for a normal day. Or have we just redefined normal.


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