Wednesday 9 July 2014

"Mummy, I need to be a winter ice dancer." Costume: white, pale blue or silver, with snowflakes. In June. Nice.

Still, I don't think we did too badly, did we?

And a cancelled operation meant that Amana was able to be at all three nights of her school play; nearly compensation enough for the fact that we won't now be able to stabilise her spine until after the summer holidays.


  1. She looks so grown up here.
    (I'm a regular reader but dont' comment regularly. Yours was the first blog I ever read, and now I've been writing my own for two and a half years - so thank you)

  2. I am echoing the above comment. Little Fish/Little Princess and now the very grown up Amana is looking ...well....all grown up, even though she isn't quite yet.

    Lovely to have watched her grow through your blog. She is growing into a beautiful young lady.


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