Sunday 2 November 2014


We are still here. Apologies for the long silence. A week becomes a month, a month becomes a season, and then posting anything at all feels like a really huge deal. 

I might go back and fill some gaps, I might just post from now, or maybe this will be it for another few months. Sorry for the lack of a plan. But I know people have worried, so I thought I'd just pop up and say hello, still here, still breathing, and life is precious and good. 

Thank you for your patience, if anyone is still reading. 


  1. Beautiful photo ... In my prayers, and sending a virtual hug...I've missed your posts xx

  2. Very good to hear from you.

  3. That's OK then. I keep checking.

  4. So good to read that you and the girls are well! Always checking, always reading... Prayers for complete recovery from infection and surgery xxx

    Anna in Devon

  5. Lovely to hear from you all x


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If you are commenting on something to do with one of my fostered children, please respect confidentiality and don't post details I haven't already mentioned on the blog. Thanks