Monday 23 March 2020

Day 7

A very special day today. Turns out A is in fact one of the 1.5 million people who absolutely must be protected from catching the virus. And so therefore, for her own protection, she must stay in her own room, 2m away from everyone else in the house. None of us must touch her.

Clearly, that can’t happen. She’s also supposed to stay in the house, but may open a window,  and for a minimum of 12 weeks.

Meanwhile the rest of the country prepares for 3 weeks of staying inside, minimal shops, minimal contact. Gatherings of more than 2 people will be banned.

So that’s going to be fun...

We are now registered with the government as vulnerable, but having access to food and meds through the kindness of friends. I have a page to revisit should we run out of friends.

All our home carers have pulled out; we will have on one across our doorstep until some unknown date in the future. Mr. Wild Man is now confined to the house or back garden, and I have stocked up on curry for the freezer in anticipation of takeaways closing.

Strange times.

We did at least have sufficient warning that McDonald’s would be closing; A was very very pleased to have one last doorstep delivery.

Verse of the day : I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18 

No song today; YouTube is not playing ball. 


  1. It's so nice to hear from you all. A's hair is gorgeous! Stay safe and well.

  2. A is so grown up now! Goodness me! Community transmission here in Newfoundland, through the mail of all avenues... Everything but essential places closed... Still no inco supplies, though my Auntie braved the shops to purchase some for me instead. We'd be very damp without! Lots of sensory time for D, I would imagine

  3. Oh, my goodness, A is sooooo grown up now! What a beautiful young woman she is! And that smile - so lovely, and so like her Mommy's (yours)!

    I have to chuckle at her deciding the entire family should follow a routine - hers! Well, at least you know you are supposed to get a break at 10:30 (good luck with that, with an energetic boy also in the house!)

    Hooray for those who've brought you nappies (diapers here). Have you managed to get Pringles, too?

    It's so nice to see you blogging again! It's scary (and surely a challenge for many reasons) that you are now confined to the house, but if it keeps you all safe from this virus then it's worth it.

    Thanks for the update on your brother and his family. Wow, how do all these kids keep growing so quickly - secondary school now?

    Schools in Virginia are now closed through the end of the school year (usually that's around mid-June). Events have been cancelled. Public buildings like government centers and libraries are closed, as are businesses deemed "non-essential." As it sounds the case there, people are going from store to store attempting to find various items, which are usually sold out. Some folks are incredibly are generous and giving during this time - others are not. How strange our lives have become. And I am sure I cannot even imagine how worrisome it is for those who have been forced from work due to closures, and have no other source of income. Our entire economy is taking a hit. I hope that this will somehow resolve sooner than it seems....

    It's been fun to see how creative many are being, from waving to each other from their door steps at 6 each evening to organizing scavenger hunts for the kids, to count how many teddy bears they can see from the sidewalk as they go past each house that has participated in the fun. And all of the musicians who are streaming concerts from their living rooms, and the museums, national parks, wildlife and sea life centers, metropolitan opera and Broadway shows, workout folks and educational centers offering free streaming - it is tempting to enjoy all of that instead of getting on with the chores!

    That said, I have laundry that needs to go into the dryer. I hope you continue to stay well, and will eventually be able to have some help/a break. Thank you for adding the songs and Bible quotes - you are managing to find the perfect ones!

    A hug from Virginia,


  4. We have some rainbow hunts here - children are drawing rainbows and putting them up in their windows, then other children are spotting them when they go outside for their daily exercise.

  5. Rainbow hunts sound perfect - something bright to look for at this sobering time!


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