Wednesday 30 April 2008

Little Fish the Little Flirt?

Little Fish likes the boys. Remember Annie Boy? Annie Boy told his mother that Little Fish is his Valentine. They do love to see each other. Now today Little Fish has a playdate. With a little boy from preschool, who has told his mother he really likes Little Fish because she gives great hugs. Today we walked into preschool, and one little boy found her name card for her (the preschool takes a register by getting all children to find a card with their photograph and name on it, and sticking it onto a velcro board), whilst another rushed up to hold her hand and say hello, the mother of another asked about meeting up for a playtime.

Should I be worried? She loves the little boys, they seem to love her, whilst all the little girls stare at her or ignore her. I'm not overinclined to worry at the moment, she's three, and she has friends, and that's lovely. But oh my, I think the future is going to be interesting!

It is interesting though - with Mog it's generally girls who like to come up and say hello to her. The boys on the whole are far too busy (apart from one little lad in the supermarket who memorably followed us around for a couple of aisles, before running back to his mother crying "Mummy, I think that little girl is DEAD"), whereas the girls like to gather around and admire her shoes and dresses. Meanwhile Little Fish gets away with calling her very male friends Annie and Amy. I love the fact they don't mind this.


1 comment:

  1. Could it be that the girls are seeing Little Fish as a threat but not Mog



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