Thursday 12 February 2009

Another cheat post.

A long but largely pleasant day, a very interrupted night, some really excellent news I don't have permission to share yet, all adding up to one very tired but generally ok Tia.

So, this is a blatantly cheating post and owes thanks to Rhys and Katherine for saving me the necessity of thought!

First, check out the Mennonite Girls who can cook some truly fabulous Five Minute Chocolate Cakes. Is this the original cupcake I ask myself?

Now, having decided it's truly irresistible, and having gathered ingredients and slung it into the microwave, turn your sound up (essential - this is a video to listen to not watch), and enjoy the concept of Guide Cats for the Blind.

I have two furry felines who would be ideal at this I think.


  1. Hope you get a better night...managed over 5 hours myself last night! Sorry shouldnt rub it in!
    I love the Guide Cats for the Blind I must try and gert my brother to listen to that I am sure he woulod love it~!

  2. Guide cats for the blind is but one.

    Look out for the tale of the last wooden merchant ship which disappeared in good weather in 1910 whilst transporting woodpeckers



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