Thursday 12 March 2009

Tina Cleans

.Tina cleans at a small child care centre after the children have left. She doesn’t always lock the cleaning liquids away.What type of hazard could this present for the small children?

It makes a change from shuffle trousers I guess.

And no, I have no intention of answering it; do your own homework!

Reading that shuffle trouser link reminds me though - does anyone have an Upsy Daisy cake mould? There's a small girl with a birthday later this month who would be made very happy by it...


1 comment:

  1. No one seems to be able to find any. There's a lot of discussion on Mumsnet about it. There are some commercial offerings (some of which are better than others) and then some suggestions about how you can put one together without a mould, see for example:

    Hope this is helpful.


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