Friday 8 May 2009


Our new bus, promised "towards the end of the week", is not here yet. I suppose I should have checked which week.

After Wednesday's tooth debacle and Thursday's mass audience as we unloaded the bus, today we were back in school for Little Fish's Annual Review (IEP for my US friends). Only two children in the bus today; much better. No queues of people lining up to help us, so no audience when I tripped over Little Fish's power chair and sent myself sprawling across the carpark. Dignity preserved for once or would have been, had I resisted the urge to blog it.

An excellent meeting I think. Three schools, several dozen professionals, two rowdy children and myself, and everyone working towards the same thing - a smooth and safe transition into mainstream for Little Fish with all the support she'll need in order to make the most of it. It is such a pleasure to have people ask "what do you need?" and then agree to it without quibbling. And if attitude is enough to make it work, then LF will be having a great time next year.

Straight into the next meeting; risk assessments for Mog's transport. Never again will she be 50 minutes on a bus with untrained staff. In theory...



  1. Not if I have anything to do with it :)

  2. I mean I agree, no more 50 mins on transport- realise it could be read either way - doh! (note to self dont psot comments when half way through bottle of wine!

  3. By which I mean I wondered which bit you meant, not whether you'd had half a bottle of wine. Hole, shovel, I think I'll stop now...


  4. "people ask "what do you need?" and then agree to it without quibbling."

    Wow - that is encouraging! Glad to hear both meetings went well. I hope the follow-through is as good!

  5. I thought I was the only one who went sprawling over w/c's, etc. I always look to see if anyone is looking!
    Glad the meetings went well and hopefully, it will all work as plannned.
    Good night!


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