Saturday 9 May 2009

Just for RJK

She drops it here, she drops it there
She leaves great blobs of it everywhere
It's on her wheels and in her hair
And on the footplates of her chair

It keeps her quiet this I know
But I do still hate this vile playdough!Tia


  1. Thank you. I love it! I promise as teacher (and ex guider) not to send home any more playdough! Rosie

  2. OOH! Looks familiar to me! It does have a way of getting into and on things.
    Did you get your new bus yet?

  3. Ahhh yes...I hate it too...I hate the feel I hate the mess I hate that Rosie can eat it reflux it down her gastrsotomy and then need the patience of a saint along with the strength of a chimpanzee and enough arms to contain an octopus to try and unblock the tube!

    Sympathies sent from here!

  4. Bwwwaaaahaaaahaa....

    Trina and Jophie

  5. Too late Rosie; she has her own supplies now and an elephant's memory!

    No bus yet-grump. Will phone on Monday.

  6. I found a lump of play dough on the table.

    I didn't know what to make of it......



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