Tuesday 21 January 2014

Fixing things up

A lot of different doctors, a lot of different plans. Surgery yesterday, the smallest op possible, which means tLP now has long curved knitting needles pinning her femur in place from the knee up, and has retained her original hip hardware. 

These pins will need to come out at some point once the bone is healed. 

She has had a good night on hdu. I have not; for once the systems crashed, and for the first time ever (for us!) there was no parent bed free anywhere in the hospital. That said, the staff did their best to make me comfy with a reclining (sorta) chair, and tiredness did its best to overcome the overwhelming impression of being on an aeroplane. Coffee helps. 

Plan for now is, I assume, back to Tom's ward at some point today (depending on beds), check tLP can get into her chair safely and sit well-supported in it, and then hopefully home. 

What comes next; I'm not sure. She will need bone density scans and treatments - we will be adding endocrinology to our list of specialists, ironically just a few months since declining their services on a different subject for Miss Mog. 

She will need physio; we will need to figure out a way of getting her weight bearing again to try to build up bone strength that way. 

And, as Miss Mog gears up towards starting back at school next week, I'm thinking tLP may be heading for some time off until we can make sure her transfers etc. are safe (this is not because we think this injury happened at school or was caused by anyone in particular, simply that she will need some special handling, especially as the bone heals. The pins are bendy so not as supportive as a cast would be). Fun times ahead. 

No phones in hdu so local people, please don't worry about lack of updates. 


  1. Glad the op is over & hope the future plans go smoothly.

  2. Dear Tia
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Life Group tonight will certainly be praying!
    John & Gill

  3. Praying for swift, complete healing for tLP, as well as for Mog.

  4. Sorry Tia, got a bit behind and didn't see your posts. poor princess, sending love hugs and prayers her way, and yours, hoping she is soon up to mischief again, and that God will grant you wonderful,healing sleep.


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