Sunday 19 January 2014

If you're going to break a leg...

You probably ought to do it in style 

Current plan - traction, traction and more traction. She also appears to have an infection - very raised CRP levels and a sporadic temperature. So the question is, is that due to the break, or purely coincidental? 

Blood and urine being grown, dexa scan being arranged, and parts taking the lead until the cause is identified. Then trauma need to talk to orthopaedics; any surgery will mean removing the hardware from her previous surgery. Which may or may not be a good thing to do. 

So it isn't simple, we don't know how long we're going to be here, but we do know it isn't going to be a short visit. 



  1. Oh dear!

    Just what you all need - another hospital trip! You poor things, especially tLP.

    I would really love to send her some happy post to make her smile - would it be possible to send it to the hospital? I know that it might feel strange giving that sort of info to a stranger on the internet so I could send it to your church/another neutral address?

    Anyway, I would love to send some smiley post from here in France - if that would be okay with you, drop me an email at charlotterowe(at)hotmail(dot)fr

    Lots of love and prayers to all three of you, and the teams looking after your gorgeous girls xx

  2. Poor tLP, and you! Sending positive thoughts to you and hoping that she feels better soon.

  3. aww Tia--what a time you all are having-- Hope and pray that they will soon be know where the infection is coming from--and the tLP will be able to go along with all the traction and not be fretful.
    Glad that Mog is doing better and that you have a place where she can be cared for as you are with tLP


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