If that's you, then here are some reasons why parts of your family may not be over enamoured of the fluffy little beastlings.
Unneutered, they may at times spray the walls.

they like to scratch their claws, rejecting the very special cat tree you have purchased for the purpose, and instead choosing your child's toy box.

The first three photos are the reality, the last picture is what they like you to THINK the reality is. Bless!
Are you suggesting that if the 1st 3 pics happen then you cook the culprit?
K x
Ooh Cat Stew! Wonder if it is as tasty as Rabbit??
My three piece suite has taken the brunt of the cat scratch post rejection!
Do they really spray the walls that young and unuttered? Pheweee!
Still they have managed to steal their way into my heart...most of the time...Rats and vomit not withstanding!
After spending the day cleaning up cat vomit I'm tempted by cat stew lol
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