Instead, we walked to the post office, posted a couple of letters, and picked up a new driving licence application to replace the one Little Fish shredded (nb to the commentator; we do have a credit sized licence, we also have a paper bit which has
We had lunch at our local pub; lasagna for Little Fish and a rather nice though awfully named "rustic deli platter" for myself - big gooey blob of melted Camembert, a loaf of bread and a pot of chutney. Oh, and three olives. Three.
We came home and hit the garden. We mowed and strimmed. I say we; I mowed and strimmed, Mog laughed, Little Fish mainly got in the way, but occasionally disappeared inside which was only marginally less helpful than parking her chair immediately in front of the mower as it meant I had to keep stopping to check what she was doing. Mog really needs to develop her supervision skills.
We weeded - I picked the weeds, Little Fish gathered them up and then dropped them round the corner and refused point blank to put them into the compost bin or move so that I could. We found the first jasmine flower
We sat on green chairs under the apple tree and enjoyed smelling the jasmine and sweet peas.
Back to our weeding, and I want to know what the left lupin had that the right one did not have
Back inside now, and Little Fish "helped" me with the laundry by carefully distributing each beautifully folded pile in smaller piles over every inch of the house. She also demonstrated her talent for separating pairs of socks, and for hanging every single piece of wet washing on just one tiny part of the clothes horse, then screaming when I redistributed it. Fun times...
In sorting the laundry, we found this stack of bibs belonging to nursery
A short pause to admire the flowers we bought last week
More tidying, and this discovery
Little Fish appears to have turfed the Rackety's doll out of her wheelchair, and decided that Little Jenny Wren's creation stands in greater need.
A shared shower, and two girls posted into pyjamas and ready for
The original pressure sore is healing nicely. So how is it that tonight she suddenly seems to be developing another one underneath? She has not worn her splints nor slept in her sleep system nor worn shoes for weeks, she doesn't even wear socks since they seemed to cause problems with her shin. She is wearing soft fleece slippers and that's all. I'll spare you the shots of her stoma, which is now bleeding freely and bubbling with orange gunge.
And now Little Fish is sleeping peacefully, Mog is not, has been in bed for a while and is heading for a dose of sedative any minute now. After which, I need a bath; my legs do not enjoy strimming!
sounds like a day of achievement, Littlefish is a good as Rosie or creating fun and havoc inequal measure.
foot looks sore...tat reminds me of Rosie too.
hope they sleep well for you.
Just a thought - is LF whacking or rubbing her heel on her wheelchair footplate, by chance?
Isaac kicks alot and hits his feet on several places on his chair. Fortunately, it hasn't made a blister or pressure sore, yet, but it won't be long, I'm afraid!
We've had our last lazy day for a while, I think, with Doug's job starting Monday. Thank you SO MUCH for the comment on yesterday's post on my blog. I appreciated it, and it answered some questions and settled some anxiety for me. Also, the idea of making the master bedroom off limits, with a closed door, was a great idea!
Thanks! I hope your night is peaceful and that Mog sleeps well without seizing!
she is a busy one. Ouch for the feet and the stoma. What a challenge!
i read this earlier and im still salivating over your lunch....
ugh on the sore on LF's foot...i hate mysteries like that!
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