When she's like this, she loses the ability to sleep naturally. I try to hold off on her sedative until a reasonable time in the evening; it gives us both around 6 hours usually, so I like to leave it until I am ready to sleep as well as she is. But she was desperately miserable last night, so I switched her to sleep by half past seven. The relief on her face as she slid off into a deep sleep was wonderful - her seizures play up more when she is ill, and more when she is tired, so she will drift off to sleep only to be woken seconds later with a big jump and a twitch. Exhausting for her and she hates it.
So, an early night inevitably meant an early morning, and sure enough, she was awake again at 3. Awake and miserable - still feeling under the weather then. Painkillers, a clean nappy, more special cream on her sore bottom (which is, thankfully, beginning to look a little less nasty), a quiet CD and some comfort, and she slept for another three hours. Not just miserable but outraged at 6, different painkillers, her morning meds, a big long cuddle, another change and more cream, and she settled down in front of the television for some early morning puppet stuff. Her howls woke Little Fish; no time to get LF up whilst still trying to comfort Mog so I popped into her bedroom and turned her over, she pulled the duvet back up and settled down again. Grabbed my coffee and went in to see Mog who was blissfully asleep with a half smile on her face in front of the television. Little Fish had also settled back to sleep.
Now it's 8.30, I've had my second cup of coffee for the morning. I'm wide awake and both girls are still snoring gently, one at each end of the house leaving me in the middle walking on tiptoe to keep the noise down. It's unusual for Little Fish to be asleep still at this time in the morning, so I hope she hasn't got whatever Mog has. Mog will I hope sleep for another hour or so, and her mood on waking will let me know whether she's slept off whatever this lurgy is, or whether, after a trip to our own GP yesterday for bottom cream, we now need to be chasing an Out of Hours appointment for antibiotics. Little Fish has an appointment on Monday morning for some allergy related stuff anyway; it would be nice to have a couple of days at least without seeing the doctor!
As I was holding Mog a lot yesterday, Little Fish was inevitably left a little more to her own devices. She found my camera again (I think I need to find her a child's model; she keeps managing to change the settings on mine). Here's her photo diary of yesterday.
And finally, her best self portrait yet.
Excuse me, I am off to make the most of the peace before the girls decide it really is time to start the day.